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Description du produit

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CNC machined and black anodised finished and fitted with stainless steel hardware.
Specifications includes an 80.0 mm diameter 7075 aluminium wheel gear and brass worm gear in adjustable worm block.
32mm diameter 7075 aluminium axis shafts supported in high quality ball and taper bearings.
Features included adjustable friction clutches on both axis and 360 degree slow-motion controls allowing simultaneous push-to and slo-mo tracking.
High quality flexible slow motion cables included.
Both slow motion controls remain in alignment with the observer at all times.
Load capacity is 15-20 kg each side depending on scope length.



Charge maximale supplémentaire (kg)
Platine double
Type de transmission
Roue hélicoïdale


sans trépied

Données générales

Poids total (kg)
Type de construction

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Rowan Engineering Ltd., Unit 9 Overfield Thorpe Way, OX16 4XR Banbury,
Personne responsable: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]

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