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Votre partenaire pour le astronomie

Description du produit

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The TimeBox is a device designed to date a PC/Server time and digital video recordings with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The TimeBox was primarily designed for precise timing of astronomic phenomena, but it can be used for other applications that require precise timing with an absolute time reference (UTC).

Timing of astronomic occultation and other astronomic phenomena need to be done in an absolute time scale in order to pull and compare recordings done by different observers around the world. The timescale chosen is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that is the primary time standard regulating clocks and time. Stellar occultation is a proven method used to determine the size, form and position of asteroids, and the topology and obits of satellites as well.

The TimeBox is designed in order to allow precise timing of astronomical phenomena using digital video devices. The TimeBox recovers the UTC time from the GPS satellites and insert the UTC time in three different ways: LED firing (< 8 microseconds UTC), Computer clock synchronization (± 2 milliseconds UTC) and Trigger firing (< 1 milliseconds UTC).



Longueur du câble (m)
Tension d´entrée
Tension de sortie


Récepteur GPS

Données générales

Poids (g)
Dimensions extérieurs (long. x larg. x haut.) (mm)
135 x 80 x 40


Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Shelyak Instruments, Les Roussets, 38420 Revel, FR,
Shelyak Timebox II
Contenu de la livraison

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