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Montierungen & Zubehör > Steuerungen > WiFi & Bluetooth > Taurus > Taurus Bluetooth & WiFi PushTo DSC System


Taurus DSC (Digital Setting Circles) is an object guidance system that, in combination with an astronomical application, helps to quickly locate any object on the sky map. The system constantly monitors the position of the telescope using the encoders located in its two axes. This information is transferred to a computer or mobile device and processed by the application, thanks to which the telescope position indicator is displayed on the screen in real time. Just select an object from the list or indicate it on the screen, and the application will indicate exactly in which place you should point the telescope.

How it's working:

  • telescope equipped with the Taurus DSC system
  • install the application (eg Sky Safari) on any device with Android, iOS or Windows
  • connect the device with the system via bluetooth or WiFi and run the application
  • point the telescope at any star and select the same star on the screen. press "Align" and it's ready
  • now you can choose any object from the list or indicate it on the screen
  • guide the telescope according to the indications from the application until the telescope marker on the screen coincides with the desired object
  • look at the eyepiece the object will be in the field of view
  • now you can easily find any star, galaxy, satellite or comet


  • Works with devices equipped with an astronomical application, eg SkySafari, SkyMap Pro, Stellarium, TheSky and similar
  • Compatible with iOS (iPad, iPhone, MAC). Communication via WiFi. Up to 4 devices connected simultaneously. It does not require additional adapters
  • Compatible with Android and Windows devices. Bluetooth or WiFi communication
  • 5V power supply via USB or 5-9V power supply. No power supply included
  • High resolution 8192 PPR encoders
  • Sky Safari (6 PRO) contains a database of over 100 million stars, 3 million galaxies and 750,000 solar system objects. The application is available separately on the App or Play Store
  • Compatible with Bluetooth 2.0 or newer
  • 3 LEDs indicating Bluetooth, WiFi and power status

By purchasing the Taurus DSC System you will receive:

  • 2 high-resolution capacitive 8192 PPR encoders with adapters and assembly kit
  • DSC module
  • wires for connecting encoders
  • USB power cord
  • unscrewed aluminum arm for mounting the encoder in the ALT axis
  • 2 axes with machine bearings

Technische Daten


Hersteller: Taurus Telescopes, Rajmunda Bergela 66, 32-400 Myslenice, PL, www.taurustelescopes.com
Taurus Bluetooth & WiFi PushTo DSC System
Taurus Bluetooth & WiFi PushTo DSC System
Taurus Bluetooth & WiFi PushTo DSC System
Taurus Bluetooth & WiFi PushTo DSC System


Installationsanleitung mangelhaft

Kundenrezension von G. G. am 26.05.2023 15:52:12

( 3 / 5 )

Leider konnte ich das System noch nicht testen, denn die Installation gestalltet sich schwieriger als erwartet und die Anleitung ist mangelhaft. Zum Beispiel wird nicht im Detail beschreiben wo, oder genuer gefragt, wie hoch der Arm fuer den Encoder der Hoehenachse an der Basis befestigt werden muss. Die Anleitung hilft dabei kaum weiter, denn wird der Arm wie auf dem Photo angeschraubt beruehrt das Ende des flexiblen Arms meine Basis, muss also vermutlich gekuerzt werden. Problematisch ist weiterhin wenn das exakte Zentrum der Hoehen-Rotationsachse fuer den Encoder nicht erreicht wird, denn dann veraendert sich der Abstand zwischen Zentrum und der Stelle wo der Arm mit Klettverschluss befestigt werden soll ... ich bin von der Konstruktion leider nicht wirklich ueberzeugt - hoffe aber das System doch noch benutzen zu koennen.

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